Common Mistakes People Make that Keep Them in Debt

If you are familiar with our blog, then you know that we have covered a few topics about overcoming debt. If you have started working on your debt, then that is fantastic! Unfortunately, there have been many cases where some start working on their debt and stay in debt. Although this is non intended and at times unrecognized, it still can be widespread. Knowing what some of these common mistakes are can assist you in avoiding them.

Not Uprooting the Cause

Like a weed, it will eventually grow back if you don’t pull it out from the root. Similarly, if you do not uproot the cause of your debt, then it will return. No matter how often you work on your debt, this cycle will continue until you address what is causing your debt. For everyone, the causes of their debt will vary from excessive shopping to paying bills that outweigh their income. If you have been dealing with debt for many years, then analyzing what exactly is the cause could be more difficult. Once you discover what your cause for debt is though, you then need to put action into effect by removing it.

Not Making Financial Changes

After knowing what is causing your debt practices, you need to remove them from your financial life. Many people continue to live the same financial life as they pay off their debt. This is unstable since, to eliminate debt, you need to avoid gaining more debt from your current lifestyle. Attempting to pay off such debt would certainly be senseless. Making financial changes is not a simple thing to do, yet it is necessary. Putting financial changes into effect can be extremely overwhelming, especially when you have lived the same financial life for years. Taking one aspect of your financial life at a time is key, instead of trying to change everything at once. When you handle your finances one at a time at an appropriate pace, you can make well-needed changes to your finances.

Constantly Changing Your Budget

Having a steady budget is important when wanting to get out of debt. It can be debated whether changing your budget can benefit financial improvements. Yet if you are constantly changing your budget, reaching debt-free living will be more of a dream than a reality. Having a variable type of budget will confuse what your expenses and nonessentials are. Having these amounts mixed up will give you an incorrect idea of what you can and cannot spend while paying off your debt. When you keep switching up your budget, you could also get tired of using it. This would be catastrophic since a budget is one of the main aspects of eliminating debt. Before you continue working on your debt:

  1. Take a step back and analyze your budget.
  2. Impute the critical factors, such as proper expenses and income amounts.
  3. Make a weekly and monthly balance so that you can follow this closely. Once you have this prepared, you are more adequately ready to take on your debt.

Not Saving While Paying Off Debt

Paying off debt, no matter how much, can make your finances tight. This does not mean that you should not save, though. Many people think it is okay to not save when paying off debt. This is a dangerous path to go down since savings are vital. An emergency fund, as an example, is essential to have as a backup when paying off debt. It is common for something to happen, such as a medical reason, where you must stop working for a short time. Without an income, if you do not have savings prepared, then you will have no other finances to continue making your debt payments. Without having some savings, it is common to get into more debt. Having even a small savings account can be the best protection.

Not Finding Help

Receiving help for your debt can be very beneficial. Many people, unfortunately, overlook talking with financial experts and face their debt alone. Although this is possible, getting all the support will provide you with more financial advice and possibilities. Dealing with your debt alone can be less successful and take much longer, especially if you have years of debt to pay off. Having debt can be a weak spot for some, so reaching out for help can be a true challenge. Many experienced ones can offer valid advice on your debt in a judgment-free setting. Support groups are also a common way to find tips and speak with people who are experiencing a similar situation as yourself.

Dealing with debt is a personalized goal that everyone will achieve differently. When you avoid some of the debt potholes and common mistakes, you can not only improve your debt process, but you can also help others trying to make their way through their debt journey.


-Spector, Nicole (2021). 12 Mistakes People Make While Paying Off Debt That Only Cost Them More. Go Banking Rates. Retrieved from

-Suknanan, Jasmin (2022). This is the Biggest Mistake People Make When Trying to Break the Debt Cycle. CNBC. Retrieved from